Your Stroller Guide
My stroller journey began when I was looking to buy a stroller for my firstborn. First, I noticed that there wasn’t too much help available, and it really took a lot of time and research to find a stroller that suited your needs. After a few more kids, and a bucketload of stroller research, I decided it would be a great idea to create this blog! I am currently a stay at home mum with a lot of time on my hands – as my kids are a bit older now and don’t suck up all my time. With my background in research and data analysis from back when I had an everyday job, I felt it would be awesome to make use of those skills in creating a Stroller Guide blog. My goal is to create a site that provides as much information as possible on different strollers available in the market. This site can be your go to guide for weeding out the bad, and picking the best stroller for you and your kids.
On this site I’ll try to help you through the entire process of buying a stroller you’ll be happy with. Giving you extensive information on what you need to know before and after buying a stroller. If you have any of the following questions, my articles would be able to help you.
– Which stroller type fits my needs?
– What brand is best suited for me?
– Which are the best (and/or cheapest) strollers?
– How good is this specific stroller I’m interested in?
On this site I provide you with guides, informational articles and reviews to help answer all these questions.
I base my reviews and articles on the following research:
– Own experience (if I bought the stroller myself or went to see it in the store)
– Consumer experiences (by pulling data from forums, blogs and store feedback pages)
– My friend’s experiences with strollers
– Manufacturer websites – Product specifications
Using the above channel, I’d pool together all data collected and try to combine them into the best article and guide you’d every find. If my articles still aren’t enough to address your questions or help you find the best stroller, you can always contact me for more help here.
I hope my blog helps you in your search, and if it does I would love to hear about it in a quick message. It would really brighten my day. Thanks!
xx Krista